Valentine’s Day Thoughts

SavannahLessons Learned, Make a Change Leave a Comment

I originally wrote this as a Valentine’s Day Facebook post in 2016. Looking back on how upset I was to be single for another Valentine’s Day, I can’t believe that something like this ever came out of my mouth, or onto the internet for that matter. I think this message is important for all people in all stages of life, …

Sanctity of Life Sunday

SavannahLessons Learned, Make a Change Leave a Comment

Today was Sanctity of Life Sunday. This day holds many different meanings to many different people. Every year I write some post on Facebook about why I’m “pro-life,” but this year, I wanted to do something different than the usual. I’m really passionate about about kids and babies. I work in a toddler class at a preschool, for Pete’s sake. …