Valentine’s Day Thoughts

SavannahLessons Learned, Make a Change Leave a Comment

I originally wrote this as a Valentine’s Day Facebook post in 2016. Looking back on how upset I was to be single for another Valentine’s Day, I can’t believe that something like this ever came out of my mouth, or onto the internet for that matter. I think this message is important for all people in all stages of life, but I think the importance rings especially true for singles on this day meant to put love and relationships on this all-powerful pedestal. I love knowing that Someone is always there to care for and love me no matter what other people might think. It’s wonderful to know there is no love-sacrifice out there that could be given that is greater than the love-sacrifice Christ gave me on that old, rugged cross.

This year I am especially thankful for His love, mercy, protection, grace, and compassion because I see them and their results every single day. He answers my prayers for safety and calming my paranoia about safety. He gives me compassion to share when it’s needed most. He hears those prayers when I am searching for the ability to effectively teach a child right from wrong, or to just keep from losing my cool. Someone who loves you doesn’t just leave you alone to fend for yourself in this wilderness that we call life. Someone who loves you stays by your side, encourages you, hears you, and cares about what you care about. God is here. God is close. God is faithful. His love is beautiful.

The time is now to share your love and to share His love with those we come into contact with. I love the way You hold me, God. Continue to pull me closer and closer and never let go.

Happy Valentine’s Day to every guy and gal out there!!! I know that while being single on this holiday specifically for people in relationships may not be the most fun thing in the world, it can still be amazing when you focus who you do have in your life. Anytime I’m feeling down about being single, I always remember that I am a recipient of the most immaculate, beautiful, life changing love known to man. I mean, He died a horrible death so I could have life and spend my eternity with Him. Y’all, friendships come and go, but God and His love never do! So, whether you are single, in a relationship, engaged, or married, please remember the most important person on Valentine’s Day, Jesus Christ. Enjoy y’all’s days!!! #unfailinglove#Godsloveisgreater #happyvalentinesday

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