15 Days

SavannahNew Experiences, Teaching Things 1 Comment

ā€œ15 more days, 15 more days, just 15 more days until graduation and then all this will be over,ā€ I chanted to myself as I sat down for yet another seminar on all the things Iā€™m doing wrong in my elementary teaching profession (Iā€™m not even teaching elementary). This journey has been the longest of my life. These struggles have …

A Parent Once Said

SavannahMake a Change Leave a Comment

*This is a previous post I made about the Uvalde school shooting back in May. I discuss quite a few controversial topics from my perspective. It is absolutely fine if you skip this one because of the trigger warning. šŸ˜‰ * A parenting page I formerly followed on social media said that it was because teachers do not have enough …