Dear 2018

SavannahLessons Learned, New Experiences Leave a Comment

Dear 2018, It’s been a year. Not a good year, not a bad year, just a year. 2018, you were life-changing to say the least. I graduated from home school and high school at my school and my church. I went to Guatemala for the second time. I started freshman year of college. I began working as a preschool teacher. …

Life Happens.

SavannahLessons Learned, Make a Change, New Experiences 1 Comment

Wow. It feels like it’s been a year since I’ve sat down and written for fun. That’s probably because the last time I did was in 2017. I love writing and blogging and I’ve missed it so much, but I’ve been busy. Life happens, y’all and when it does, it has a tendency to happen quickly. Some days I would …


SavannahMake a Change Leave a Comment

On Wednesday February 14, 2018, Nikolas Cruz walked into a Parkland, Florida high school and within ten minutes had killed seventeen people. This was the worst school shooting since Columbine in April of 1999. An investigator in the Parkland case said of Cruz, “He is a deeply disturbed, emotionally broken young man.” I’m at a loss for words. There’s nothing …